As an artist who grew up in Israel-Palestine I have in the last years since September 2001 been deeply saddened by the deterioration of our relationships across the lines of politics and religion in the Middle East and around the world. I have felt a deepening sense of urgency about the stakes involved and believe we must devote ourselves to peacebuilding, conflict transformation, and interfaith understanding if we are to survive. I would like to use this space to engage our thoughts on the issues and the injustices, and reflect on the words of poets, journalists, and leaders - who can inspire our thoughts and actions in the ways of peace. I invite you to add your words to this space as well. My wife and I grew up across the political lines in Israel and Gaza, and we share a longing for peace. My initial disillusionment with the dark side of this conflict and its interwoven inhumanities led me to the MA Program in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding and to the emerging Center for Interfaith Engagement at EMU which I commend to others who share a need for hope. May we together embody the vision we wish to see for
سلام שָׁלוֹם peace.
O compassionate and merciful God, for peace and justice I pray..
Help me to say what is right in the face of the mighty, And not to compromise my truth when I am vulnerable. Help me see others' perspectives, And not to demean those who differ with me in opinion.
If you give me wealth, O God don't let me forget my true worth; and if you give me power, don't take away my compassion; If you give me success, give me also great humility.
Teach me, O God, to love all people as I love myself; judge myself as I judge other people. Teach me that forgiveness is the highest power, And that revenge is the first indication of weakness. Don't let me turn vain if I succeed.. Nor let despair defeat me if I fail.
O God, grant me patience when my hopes fail, Grant me faith when my health and strength are weak; And if I have done wrong, grant me the courage to apologize and to make things right; And if others do me wrong, Grant me the power to forgive.
Read by Fatemeh Durabi, Summer Peacebuilding Institute, Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, 2007
"It has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to persist." Haile Selassie
"Never doubt that a few thoughtful individuals can together change the world." - Margaret Meade